「困った子ちゃん」 troublemaker

  by takagishigemi  Tags :  

「困った子ちゃん」 troublemaker


In general public school teachers and private school teachers don’t like students who are not good at solving problems.


But bad students choose right answers at random. They don’t like thinking itself. This means teachers have to check the answer sheet several times and it doesn’t work to make them smart.


This is ridiculous and and a waste of time and energy.


However they get mad at what we say if we are honest enough to say this is ridiculous.



They make a lot of mistakes and the possibility for us teachers to make mistakes when we check their answer sheets.


Then they again get mad at our making mistakes although they make a lot of mistakes always.


When I was working at a private school in Nagoya, a young teacher scolded a bad student saying.


“This is because you are so stupid!!”


Then his parents came to school and our boss apologized about what the young teacher said.


If you are in a teaching job, you can easilyunderstand that students who are not good at solving problems are in general bad mannered and cannot behave well and sometimes steal books in a school.


That is why they are called bad students.


On the other hand, we have very good students who never bother us teachers.

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