たまごっちとApple Watchを合体させたTamawatchi(たまうぉっち)の自作動画が海外のSNSで公開されています。
@lucythemaker imagine this but on your wrist lol. sounds practical i think ill do it. #tamagotchi #diy #toys #3dprinting #habbie ♬ original sound – lucy the maker
たまごっちのケースにApple Watchをはめ込んでたまうぉっちが完成です。どちらかというとたまごっち寄りのたまうぉっちと言えるかもしれません。
@lucythemaker I think we’re almost there! Lots of issues with the blue part but ill do another print today. The pet on the watch is an app called ‘Habbie: step tracker & pet’ ❤️ #diy #tamagotchi #tamawatchi #3dprinting #applewatchcase ♬ original sound – lucy the maker
こちらはApple Watch寄りのたまうぉっち。
@emmaorhun more tama! more watchi! more context ↴ how its made: 1) Open up the body of a Tamagotchi Connection v3 2) Remove the electronics 4) Shave down the interior structure with a dremel 5) Place Apple Watch SE where the original electronics were. Secure it with alien tape or gorilla sticky tack 6) Remove Tamagotchi backing to charge 7) Attach it 2 your pants or backpack or purse && reap the rewards of having really good taste Now, this model is barely functional with complicated access to the button and screen of the Apple Watch but I’m working on producing functional versions. dreaming… scheming.. etc…,,.. thank u 2 the perfect angel @growinggoinggone 4 filming && editing this + shoutout 2 the iPad version of Final Cut Pro for letting me draw on my video in real time ok thats all thanks 4 the positive reception u make my heart skip a beat && want 2 make more && more && more 🍬🌠🪆 ⌘ #tamagotchi #applewatch #tamawatchi ♬ original sound – ⌘ emma
2. 電子部品を取り外します
3. 内部をドレメル(ブランド名)などの切削工具で削ります
4. Apple Watchをたまごっちの電子部品があった場所に設置し、粘着テープなどで固定します
5. 充電します
6. パンツ、バックパック、ハンドバッグなどに取り付けてみます