
  by takagishigemi  Tags :  

Mr.President Obama visited Hiroshima yesterday. It is true that some say he just wants to leave legacy or he should apologize, but I don’t think so. Statistics show that majority of us, Japanese people have the same feeling.

Because he was the first president who visited Hiroshima, which some American people oppose to. We know that. When I visited the USS Arizona Memorial, I could not feel easy.

In 1982, I was at Logan junior high school, in Utah as an exchange teacher. In social studies class, a boy asked me a question. “Mr.Takagi, were they mad at it when atomic bombs were dropped?”

I was upset because it was completely beyond expectations and I was not ready to answer such a question. However it let me think about the question.

Two of my uncles were killed in Leyte island. Am I angry about it? My answer is no. That is not just because I was born after the war or my uncles might have killed Americans. But my feeling was just like the boy’s one in Logan.

I mean we were born after the war, in different countries. American textbooks tell them it was a right decision to drop the bomb over Hiroshima. Still that boy felt for people who lived there.

Some people say this is hypocrisy because the U.S. has the most nuclear weapons and Japan is under the nuclear umbrella. That is true. They say, “Look at the neighbors. They have dictators and many atomic bombs.”

I have a friend in Hiroshima. His father was killed by the atomic bomb and he said “Pa, this is enough, isn’t it?” when the president visited Hiroshima.”

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